The number 13 is the completion of life, of all movement and process. 13 has a special relationship with the development of paranormal abilities, for it is connected with the 13 major joints of the human body where the sacred
koyopa energy (the Mayan equivalent of kundalini) accumulates. 13 also relates to refinement and sensitivity, enhanced perception and acute intuition. This ability to access other dimensions of reality applies to all actions performed on a 13 day as well as to those who are born upon a 13.
EB (E) THE ROAD OF LIFE: Signifies destiny, the road, thanks and benediction. It is the
nawal of all the roads and road guides. Upon this day we give thanks for the Road of Life upon which we continually walk, for it represents the spiritual path itself. This day is the patron of travelers and the best possible day upon which to begin a journey. It is also a most favorable day for the initiation of any business matter or for the signing of contracts.
Tone: 13 - Ascension, Sun Sign: ROAD (E'E*EB)
(1st Night of Universal cycle)
Tzolkin: 13 E Long Count: of the way, the fate of birth, which leads to a fixed point. It is a day for the development of life, of history that began in B'atz 'and ends in Q'anil or Tz'i. Q'anil is a blessing and T'zi a sign of separation. E is the strength, power and energy to start work or take a trip. It is one of the bearers of time for your intimate relationship with nature. E is a day of fire in the home, plants and the stars of heaven. Also a day of one's personality and material goods.
Personality traits for those born on
Tone: 13 (Ascension)
- Bridge
- Pure Creator Energy
- Ascension
- Spark of understanding
- Source connection
- Remembering
Going from one step to the next higher step. The energy of Thirteen propels the effort to try something new or to try again. Tone thirteen provides an energetic connection between what has been and what is to come. It is the bridge from the now into the next 'now'. Persons with the energy of Thirteen are always going over the next mountain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen frequency is Divine. It watches and loves and allows. The foundation for each of other twelve; sometimes referred to as cosmic glue. It has a gentle and subtle energetic signature and is worth every effort to invite into your life.
Eb - South
Eb (abe) does not translate easily. The glyph combines the symbols for death and water, which has led some to conclude that it symbolized harmful rains and mildew. E, the Quiche Maya name for Eb, means tooth, and in their tradition the day is considered favorable for getting good advice and for praying.
The Eb type tends to be relaxed, courteous, practical, careful, and helpful. They tend to be pleasant people who enjoy good company and who best relate to others casually. They are generous and giving persons who usually expect nothing in return. Relationships are very important to them and are often the centerpiece of their lives. This need conditions them to make sacrifices for others. Eb types are often perceived as ambitious and hard-working. They are intensely practical, they know how to solve problems, they dont hesitate to get going when needed, and they do good work. They will compete with others, but prefer peace to conflict. Persons born under Eb may appear easy going and compromising, but they are also easily distressed and are known to hide deep hurts and feelings. Eb types are often quite sensitive, are sometimes emotionally fragile, and are easily hurt by rejection or criticism. They tend to hold on to feelings of anger and resentment and often use hard work as a means to constructively ventilate those feelings. While they are slow to get going, Eb people are quite persistent and will finish a job or achieve a goal. They are very practical and capable of solving problems; many become designers or engineers of some kind. In general, this is a conservative day-sign that seeks peace with the world.
To avoid poisoning themselves by suppressing anger.
To let others know how they feel. Eb
Beneath the 1-Ahau surface personality lies a self that is romantic and attracted to a glamorous lifestyle. Such a person may find success in a life in fashion or as a performer or public personality. The greatest weakness of Ahau people is in matters of relationship. In this area they tend to be idealistic and can often make poor choices that lead to problems.
G-2 (East)
These types are dedicated to their work regardless of whether they are employees, run their own business, do volunteer work, or merly do work around their own homes.
G-2's sense of responsibility is quite high. Others may perceive them as obsessive and compulsive and inclined to do more than needs to be done.
G-2 people are hard workers, stubborn and often quite thorough about attending to details. Personal sacrifice comes naturally to them and one of their most basic reactions in any situation is to stand aside for others who assert themselves.
G-2's are ambivalent about being the boss, and they maneuver themselves into jobs or situations where they can take orders from above. Most people see them as polite, accommodating, considerate and respectful. An important life lesson for G-2 types lies in making their personal sacrifices meaningful.
Another lesson comes from learning to focus their tremendous capacity for giving. Their dark side lies in excessive self-denial. Many of those born under this influence have strong Neptune placements in their Western birth charts. Neptune is a planet that represents loss of self and a willingness to make a personal sacrifice.
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