Ο Πρώτος Πρεσβύτερος Δον Αλεχάντρο, μας μιλάει για το Dreamspell (= Ονειρικό Ξόρκι;)

Mayan Grand Elder Don Alejandro Speaks About the Dreamspell - Except (Greek Subtitles)

Δευτέρα 24 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Sun Sign: NIGHT (AKBAL) ~ Tone: 9 - Patience, Kin 243

Tone: 9 - Patience, Sun Sign: NIGHT (AKBAL)
(7th Day of Galactic cycle)

Tzolkin: 9 Aq'ab'al
Long Count:

Aqabal is the symbol of beginning, a sign stating that the dawn and the sun are close to a new day, a new era, a new enduring blessed life that exists on the face of the earth.

Aqabal is a symbol of the first rays of sun that radiate from the horizon, driving away obscurity and the darkness of night.

Main Maya glyphs


9 Akb’al
9 Akb’al


16 Muwan
16 Muwan

Night Lord


Personality traits for those born on Monday 24 January, 2011

Tone: 9 (Patience)

  • Link to higher frequencies.
  • Interconnectedness.
  • Soft Blanket.
  • Comforting.
  • Direct Link.
  • Perspective.
  • Patience.
  • Staying Power
The energy of Nine is one of getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. With the energy of Nine, patience and perseverance found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine. Tone nine energy is the built in energetic signature that runs along the communication frame work of creation; the grid system. In fact, it is the grid system. Tone nine provides the added juice to reach any aim. Use this tone to ride the Light Waves! To experience Nine is to more easily and deeply experience one's connection to God.



Akbal (ahk-BAL) is the Mayan name for this day-sign, which means darkness or night. Another Mayan name for this day-sign is Uotan, meaning heart, which had associations with Earth Gods and the drum. The glyph for Akbal may signify an animal of the underworld, perhaps the jaguar.


Akbal types are often powerful and tend to project an imposing or attractive presence on the world around them. Their personal power may be exerted in subtle ways, but it is always something others must contend with.

In many cases, this power is completely legitimate, as when the person is a teacher, leader or healer. They are logical, organized, and capable of deep thought, but they tend to be conservative in many matters.

Patience, endurance and hard work seem to come naturally to those born under the day-sign Akbal. Security, both mental and physical, is a major issue for those born under this day-sign.

The physical security that is a home, house, building or other structure represents may be a focus in life, or the emotional security that family ties offer may draw intense interest.

Science and math, or other systems of knowledge (including occultism, magic, and astrology), often interest the Akbal born because those subjects aid the person in organizing practical matters of life. Traditions appeal to them and they have a great respect for history. Those born under Akbal take a structural approach to life. The more organized their lives are, the more they will feel secure and in control. If it takes ten years or more to achieve a goal of organization, then Akbal people will tough it out. Because Akbal types work so hard on seeing and understanding things in specific ways, they can develop mental inertia. As a result, a change for them requires a near overhaul of the logical framework that they have constructed, and they may resist such changes.

Outsiders may see this characteristic as reliability and constancy, others may see it as stubbornness.


Mental rigidity and problems with sharing; loss of control.


Becoming a builder of systems; stablizing the foundations of whatever is done. Akbal


Beneath the 1-Men surface personality is a person with powerful faculties of discrimination. Men people know the differences between things, know how to express such distinctions, and are often outstanding at articulating their emothions and expressing their feelings through creative or artistic projects. They are also somewhat psychic and find that their unconscious is their best friend, once they know how to listen to it.

G-5 (North)

This Lord is positioned at the midpoint of the series of nine. A person under the influence of G-5 seeks to be at the center of a group and will sometimes use others to get there.

One of G-5's greatest challenges is to act from their centers and not to use or be used by others. People born under the influence of this lord become deeply involved in relationships but, for the most part, also struggle with them. They are sensitive people and they tend to be touchy about a number of things, including their own expectations. Because they seek perfection, they are sensitive to disappointments, and often need to develop more realistic expectations and avoid putting the burden of realitonship failures onto others.

Idealistic and compromising by nature, G-5 types are rarely content with the choices they have made. Their dark side includes a tendency to hold distorted opinions or to have over-inflated expectations of others.

At their worst, they can be blamers, blind to the reality that they are the cause of their own problems. Recognizing this pattern can be a tremendous step forward in a G-5's spiritual progress. These types need to be with others who are stable and helpful, and avoid those who could worsen their fears. They also need to be accepting of others. It is their own beliefs about relationships that both their problems and their solutions lie. A prominent moon, an emphasized seventh house, and Scorpio/Pluto are found in the charts of those born here.

www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~
www.xzone.com.au/maya ~ http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~
www.Calleman.com ~ www.maya-portal.net ~
http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~
http://www.sabiduriamaya.org/home/index.asp# ~

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