Ο Πρώτος Πρεσβύτερος Δον Αλεχάντρο, μας μιλάει για το Dreamspell (= Ονειρικό Ξόρκι;)

Mayan Grand Elder Don Alejandro Speaks About the Dreamspell - Except (Greek Subtitles)

Πέμπτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Day Sign: Chicchan / Serpent / Coatl / Serpent (East) ~ Tone: 4 (Stability), Kin 225

Main Maya glyphs


4 Chikchan
4 Chikchan


18 K’ank’in
18 K’ank’in

B’olon ti k’u


Maya cycles

Long Count: Tzolk’in: Cycle #7198
Past days: 1871285 Day 225 of 260 days

Day: 4 Chikchan
Short Count: Day direction: Lak’in (East) Day color: Chak (Red)
78485 of 93600 days Trecena: 1 Ik’ (18th of 20)
K’atun 4 Ajaw Trecena direction: Xaman (North)
11th of 13 K’atun Trecena color: Sak (White)

Ja’ab’: Calendar Round:
Cycle #5127 4 Chikchan 18 K’ank’in
Year bearer: 12 Manik’ 18529 of 18980 days
Day 279 of 365 days 51th of 52 Ja’ab’ years
Day: 18 K’ank’in 72th of 73 Tzolk’in cycles
Day 19 of the 14th month 13-year cycle: 1 Eb’

B’olon ti k’u: 819-day Count:
G5 Cycle #2285

Day 1.16.12 (693 of 819 days)

Station: 1 B’en 16 Pax
Wuk ti k’u: Station direction: Lak’in (East)
Z6 Station color: Chak (Red)

Custom correlation for 364-day Count
(Must be a number between 0 and 363)

364-day Count:
13 B’aktun Cycle:
Cycle #5141
Cycle #1
Year bearer: 4 Ajaw
Day 326 of 364 days
1871285 of 1872000 days
Day 18 of the 12th 28-day cycle

Day 53 of the 4th 91-day cycle

Och K’ak’ Jun Chuwen Kan Yax

Webpages: www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~
www.xzone.com.au/maya ~
http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~
www.Calleman.com ~ www.maya-portal.net ~
http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~

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