Ο Πρώτος Πρεσβύτερος Δον Αλεχάντρο, μας μιλάει για το Dreamspell (= Ονειρικό Ξόρκι;)

Mayan Grand Elder Don Alejandro Speaks About the Dreamspell - Except (Greek Subtitles)

Πέμπτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

The Mayan Sacred Tzolkin!, Kins 1 - 260

~*~ The Mayas start always the new Tzol-Kin rounds at 8 Monkey/Baatz*Chuen ~*~

The "Kin" story (numbers from 1 to 260), finally, as I found out, is only a corelation method with the Gregoriαn dates... Just linear. Don't have to do with the Tzolkin becouse the Tzolkin is cyclic! With no beggining and with no ending! So the Tzolkin start in linear tables is just an irritation to the cycle thinking and practices of the Mayas! The most important is that the dates are matching the ones of the Mayas! :-)

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