Tone: 10 - Manifestation, Sun Sign: WISDOM (AJMAK*CIB)
(1st Day of Universal cycle)

The number 10 symbolizes the 10 digits on our hands and our feet, making up the 20 which comprise a human being. This number has a special meaning of human cooperation, the bonds and relationships between people.
Cib (Ajmaq) Forgiveness: Signifies sin, pardon, atheism and pleasure. It is the
nawal of all the faults. It is also a day to ask forgiveness from the dead and one’s ancestors. It represents gifts and Mother Earth and is the
nawal of the Earth itself. This is in part a day of the Otherworld. It is good to remember friends and family members who have passed away from us, and to light a candle or two in their memory. If there is anything for which you seek forgiveness, today is the day to ask for it; the ancestors are listening, and incline themselves favorably to our affairs. A day for meditation and withdrawal.

Tzolkin: 10 Ajmaq Long Count: of the moral forces indicating the commemoration of our deceased ancestors. Ajmaq is pardon and the sin, representing the dark of night and the first rays of light. It also symbolizes the day of each past, the past that started with our first ancestors since the beginning of the world.
The dead are a reminder of the past, who quide the present and help to improve that which is coming in the future. Ajmaq is consciousness, ancient wisdom, knowledge, balance, talent, cosmic force.

Personality traits for those born on
Tone: 10 (Manifestation)
- Manifestation
- Substance
- Materialization
- Expression
- Ephemeral
- Beauty
- Potential Realised
What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of Ten. This is the energy when what has had attention and intension focused upon it, becomes real. A powerful energy that carries a great responsibility.
Tone Ten energy flows in and out at all times. It is the frequency through which we tune in to beauty of all kinds.
Tone Ten assists us in our awareness of beauty. In these times, the Ten frequency is constantly being manipulated, as the concept of beauty is defined for us everywhere we turn. Since this Tone is linked to manifestation there is great value in allowing your personal experience to go beyond limitations imposed by a conditioned world.
Cib - South
This day-sign, called
Cib (keeb) by the Maya, appears to refer to a small insect, possibly the bee. The Bacabs (the personified four directions in Mayan cosmology) were bee-keepers. They Maya held a general belief that the dead return to the earth in the form of insects. The glyph itself probably represents a shell, a symbol worn by some of the Bacabs. Jaguar features appear in some of the glyphs, as well suggesting darkness and night.
Cib is a serious, wise, deep, realistic, and pragmatic day-sign. Some Cib types are philosophical about life, others sing the blues. These people have a sense of limits and fatality that makes them seem ultra-realistic and pragmatic. They know nonsense when they see it but will give credit where it is due. Some are hardened to life, and most are status conscious and and have very high standards. Most have an excellent sense of judgment, are extremely competent at what they do, yet are critical of how others do the same thing. Some have a tendency to downplay the apparent feelings of others. Although they have to work hard in life, or they may be deprived in some way, they still make progress. They tend to ask, Why should others be held to a different standard? Cib types are sensitive to authority and hierarchy, often driven to seek high positions, and they sometimes become victims of those already so positioned. Those born under Cib are acutely conscious of their social or political status at any given moment. For most Cib types, this characteristic means that they are self-conscious when around people who can judge them in some way, and they fear rejection. Although most Cib types maintain their authority and high position relative to others, many are victims. They face the authority issues that are central to this day-sign from the other side. Some are simply taken advantage of; some are even beaten and abused. In certain cases, this abuse is more a social issue, in which the majority rejects what the Cib type believes in. It is in giving advice that many Cib types excel. Their challenges in life, and their acute awareness of what works and what doesn't in society, give them the ability to make good judgments for others.
To overcome self-consciousness and perosnal insecurities.
To excel in one's career. Cib
Beneath the 1-Manik surface personality is a person who struggles with issues of freedom versus security. Manik people display an urge to take off for parts unknown, but they also demonstrate a desire for the security of home and family. Because the struggle with this conflict leads people to discover unique solutions, they often become innovators or creators of a somewhat unconventional personal lifestyle. Frequently they have unusual interests of an investigative or searching nature.
G-4 (North)

Some people born under the influence of this Lord are teachers, some are healers, and some are over protective parents. Most seem to have a nervous disposition and a need to talk.
They are intense guardians of one thing or another; other people, children, pets. Youth of often a fixation for them; they are drawn to children and perhaps even work with them in some capacity.
Their nurturing instincts are quite strong, and they need to find healthy outlets to express this urge. Their darker side lies in understanding that their nurturing influence can become a detriment in many ways. The communication skills of G-4 types make them excellent teachers. They can be very creative with their thinking, a quality that lends itself to art and writing. On the darker side, they think or talk incessantly and often struggle with ways to turn off their minds. By working as a teacher or communicator, they may be able to turn this tendency into positive activity.
G-4 types have a tendency to scatter their energies and this inclination may lead to being a "jack of all trades but master of none." Mercury is usually strong in the charts of those who are born under this lord, as is an emphasized twelfth house.
www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_MKHqVsAlQ ~
http://microapp.westword.com/mayan2012/ ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.jaguarwisdom.org/blog/ ~ http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~
http://mayanmajix.com/faq_2011_lab.html ~ www.xzone.com.au/maya ~
http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~ www.Calleman.com ~
www.maya-portal.net ~ http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~
http://www.sabiduriamaya.org/home/index.asp# ~ http://www.4-ahau.com/en/Home.html ~
http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/mayan.html ~
http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/daily-tzolkin ~
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