GR - Το Τζολ-Κιν (η σωστή μέτρηση) ημερολόγιο των Μάγιας ~ Σύμφωνα με τους Μάγιας ! -
DE - Der Tzol-Kin Kalender (die wahre Zählung) der Mayas ~ Nach den Mayas !
EN - The Tzol-Kin (Truecount) calendar of the Mayas ~ According to the Mayas !
The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of four, sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship. The frequency of Four is capable of slowing things down enough to see the deeper meaning behind the issue
Caban - East
The Mayan name for this day, Caban(ka-BANE) means Earth, and there are associations of this day with earthquakes. They Mayan glyph of this day includes are curving line that may represent a lock of hair of the young moon goddess, who is also the goddess of Earth. The Maya considered this day good for matchmaking, medicine, and commerce.
Caban types are mentally active, rationalizing, clever but practical. They tend to believe that the world is ultimately reducible to logic and that rational solutions are the only solutions. They can be brilliant engineers or strategists who pioneer new solutions to stubborn problems. For some, however, this capacity to rationalize everything they perceive leads to inaccurate judgments and poor choices. Caban types are usually liberal and progressive. Their intense thinking often leads to views that are based on abstraction or unrealized ideals. Many Caban personalities have great sense of humor. This may be due to the sharpness of their minds and their ability to make practical use of their insights into human nature. Strong convictions are found in those born under this day-sign. They are fiercely independent and stubborn persons who cant stand being told what to do, and they frequently pay the price for this trait in their close relationships. As leaders, they are usually the status quo. Caban types tend to seek out leadership positions or solo positions, possibly because they know how hard it is for them to follow the path of another.
To hold ones life together according to a reasonable plan.
To become more flexible, tolerant, and patient. Caban
Beneath the 1-Ix surface personality is a challenged communicator, a person who struggles with self control, a person who is an explorer of the human condition. Critical events occurring in Ix peoples lives, such as deaths or other powerful transformations, my cause them to turn inward and keep their feeling and thoughts to themselves. People born during Ix trecena need to be realistic about responsibilities and not shirk from them or take on too many.
G-3 (East)
Many born under this Lord seem to have a strong need for respect from others. They are serious people who are occasionally insecure, but they often occupy a prominent position in life, or at least feel that they should be publicly recognized for their actions.
Some people born under G-3 project this need onto others; they may associate with or be married to a person who is powerful in the outside world. They have high expectations for themselves and often for others, and they work hard to achieve their goals. In doing so they may neglect relationships, or may simply make pragmatic choices in this area in order to accomplish their tasks. This dedication can lead to a lopsided emotional life and can occasionally raise questions in the minds of others about a G-3 persons basic motivations.
G-3 types seek the limelight and recognition for their accomplishments, but they may work under the shadow of another person, such as a father or another authority figure. They see value in apprenticing and learning from their elders. One of their tasks in life is to learn how to be an authority in their own right. This need is something that G-3's meet through earning it, rather than by acquiring it through association.
Their strength lies in their persistence and dedication to greater learning and improvement. Their dark side lies in their internalized, critical parent, the voice that judges. Sun/Saturn combinations are the Western astrological correlation for this lord.
N'oj is wisdom, the name of our thoughts, the customs of behavior. Symbolizes the ambivalent moral strengths of the human mind. It is the energy that governs the mind, knowledge and good memory. It is synonymous with good creative talent. No'j is the day of decision and advice. N'oj consitutes those of the Four Pillars of the Years, the bearers of Time.
Caban (No’j) The Vision of the Cosmos: Signifies ideas, wisdom, memory and patience. It is the nawal of intelligence, a day dedicated to asking for wisdom, talent, and good thoughts. Upon this day, we may ask the universe to grant us creativity in all our endeavors, and the intelligence to find solutions to all our challenges. This day enlivens the intellect and enhances the eternal quest for wisdom. It is the nawal of the earthquake and seismic disturbance. According to the Maya, this is one of the best days to consult a diviner and seek for spiritual guidance.
The Number 4 symbolizes wholeness. It is associated with Ahau, the Sun God as cosmic lord (the word ahau literally means lord). Why is this a solar number? The word for “day” (k’in in Yucatec or q’ij in K’iche’) is the same as the word for “sun”; a day is a complete passage of the sun. The sun or the day has four stations: dawn, noon, sunset and midnight. These four components of each day, each “sun,” can be conceptually expanded to include the solstices and equinoxes; thus the year is also a 4. There is evidence that the Classic Maya divided the universe into four sections marked by the two intersections of the Milky Way with the ecliptic. Thus we live in a fourfold universe. The Maya still lay out their ritual altars in a fourfold pattern. The number 4 represents the four elements: Air, Fire, Earth and Water; these compose nature and give us life. Four is also the Four Directions and the Four Pillars which hold up the Earth.
Todays tzolkin is 4 Caban which is Stabiliy of EARTH.
According to the gregorian calendar todays date is 2011-2-27.
According to the Mayan Calendar we are currently in the Galactic cycle, which is made up of 13 heavens. We are currently 117 days into the 13th heaven. There are 243 days left until the 14th heaven starts.
The Galactic Tun Date is 12.5.17. The Galactic Tun Date has the syntax (Galactuc Tun).(Uinal in that Tun).(Day in that Uinal) 0-12.0-17.0-19
If one tun is compared to a 24 hour clock we are currently 7 hours and 48 minutes into the 13th heaven.
4437 days has passed in the galactic cycle. If the whole galactic cycle is compared to a whole tzolkin round we are currently 9 out of possible 18 days into period number 247 out of possible 260, leading to the galactic daysign of 13 Manik.
We are currently in day number 17 of uinal number 6 in tun number 13 of the Galactic cycle.
We are also in day number 17 of uinal number 6 in tun number 20 of the 20th katun of the last baktun before the end of time.
We are also currently in day number 17 of uinal number 1 of tzolkin round number 18 of the galactic cycle.
We are also currently in day number 4 of trecena number 2 of tzolkin round number 18 of the galactic cycle.
If you divide the current tzolkinround into four worlds we are currently in world number 1 . If you divide the current tzolkinround into five worlds we are currently in world number 1.
The mythological theme dominating the current tzolkin world of the possible five worlds is Creation.
The tun is a day , the uinal is a day, the day in the current trecena is a night.
We are also currently in day number 17 of tzolkin round number 18 of the galactic cycle.
According to the tzolkien mayan calendar it is today 4 Caban. Since todays daysign is Caban, it is a good day to give thanks to mother Earth for all Her gifts.
The cosmic energies of consciousness is today Stabiliy of EARTH.
Since todays daysign is Caban, the energy of today is EARTH - (CABAN) - Keeper of the garden of Earth. Profound synchronistic connections to Earth's natural cycles and energies provide powers of creation and memories of ancient wisdom. Earth persons, help dispel bad intentions, habits and ideas. This makes them very good councilors and masters of all arts. Studious and intelligent, Earth persons endeavor to bring a flow of a natural order to all aspects of life. Being connected to the dynamic forces of nature, Earth persons need much liberty to facilitate their expressions of migration or the sending of long distance communications such as the whales, elephants, birds and many other creatures. Sometimes Earth's delicate sensitivities are upset resulting in quakes of emotion even the display of a volcanic temper..
Since todays number is 4, the energy of today is FOUR / Stability - The most stable of all the forms is a cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of Four, sets the parameters which establish the fredoms and barriers needed to create a game, work or a relationship..
Tomorrow the daysign is Edznab. A good day to spend time in reflection and introspection.
We are now in the 13th heaven of the cellular cycle. One heaven in the cellular cycle is called a hablatun and is 1.26 billion years and the whole cycle is 16.4 billion years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the mammalian cycle. One heaven in the mammallian cycle is called a alautun and is 63.1 million years and the whole cycle is 820 million years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the familiar cycle. One heaven in the familiar cycle is called a kinchiltun and is 3.15 million years and the whole cycle is 41 million years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the tribal cycle. One heaven in the tribal cycle is called a kalabtun and is 158000 years and the whole cycle is 2 million years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the cultural cycle. One heaven in the cultural cycle is called a piktun and is 7900 years and the whole cycle is 102000 years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the national cycle. One heaven in the national cycle is called a baktun and is 394,3 years and the whole cycle is 5116 years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the planetary cycle. One heaven in the planetary cycle is called a katun and is 19,7 years and the whole cycle is 256 years. We are now in the 13 heaven of the galactic cycle. One heaven in the galactic cycle is called a tun and is 360 days and the whole cycle is 4680 days. We have not yet entered the universal cycle. One heaven in the universal cycle is called a uinal and is 20 days long and the whole cycle is 234 or 260 days long.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 260 periods we are currently 9 out of possible 18 days into period number 247 out of possible 260.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 130 periods we are currently 9 out of possible 36 days into period number 124 out of possible 130.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 65 periods we are currently 45 out of possible 72 days into period number 62 out of possible 65.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 52 periods we are currently 27 out of possible 90 days into period number 50 out of possible 52.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 26 periods we are currently 117 out of possible 180 days into period number 25 out of possible 26.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 20 periods we are currently 225 out of possible 234 days into period number 19 out of possible 20.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 18 periods we are currently 17 out of possible 260 days into period number 18 out of possible 18.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 13 periods we are currently 117 out of possible 360 days into period number 13 out of possible 13.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 10 periods we are currently 225 out of possible 468 days into period number 10 out of possible 10.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 5 periods we are currently 927 out of possible 1170 days into period number 4 out of possible 5.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 2 periods we are currently 2097 out of possible 2340 days into period number 2 out of possible 2.
The current corresponding year in the tribal cycle is -104509.
The current corresponding year in the cultural cycle is -3315.
The current corresponding year in the national cycle is 1747.
The current corresponding year in the planetary cycle is 1997.
10-20 billion years ago the big bang occured and time and space was created. 820 million years ago living cells existed and consciousness had reached 10 % of the total consciousness evolution. 41 million years ago mammals existed and consciousness had reached 20 % of the total consciousness evolution. 2 million years ago apes existed and consciousness had reached 30 % of the total consciousness evolution. 102000 years ago homo erectus was using tools and fire and consciousness evolution had reached 40 percent of the total consciousness evolution.
At 3115 BC civilizations existed and we had reached 50 % of the total consciousness evolution. At 1755 we had reached 61 % of the total consciousness evolution. At 1999 we had reached 71 % of the total consciousness evolution. Today 81 percent of the total consciousness evolution has passed.
This is because of that evolution of consciousness is of a 20 base logarithmic nature. Resulting in a nonlinear evolution going very slowly at the beginning, 16 billion years ago, and now speeding up towards 2011
If we just look at the galactic and universal cycle (1999-2011) we have currently today experienced 35 percent of the galactic and universal consciousness evolution
The Galactic Tune date goes from 3.1.19 to 3.2.0 etc, so Ahau is counted in the new uinal even though the new uinal really starts with lmix. This is how I interpret Calleman's syntax to be. This page is really a Tzolkin calculator implemented using javascript. The script uses your local computer time so if you want to check the tzolkin date for some other date than current date, just change your computer clock and reload page. If you find any errors in this Tzolkin calculator you are welcome to contact me at (Note that the universal cycle is not implemented).
NOJ: Krafttiere:Der Specht, der mit seinem spitzen Schnabel im Baum zur Essenz des Lebens vordringt. Bedeutung:Die Verbidung unseres Geistes mit der kosmischen Weisheit, und die Einsicht in mystische Geheimnisse Die Anwendung unserer Intelligenz und Logik im täglichen Leben Farbe:Weiss Himmelblau Günstiger Tag für ... :Öffnung des Bewusstseins gegenüber dem spirituellen Rat und den Meistern und Meisterinnen, welche uns als Führer zur Seite stehen. Bitte um Zugang zur Kosmischen Bibliothek und darum, die universelle Weisheit, welche uns dort zur Verfügung steht, besser zu verstehen. Tagessatz:Ich formuliere meine Fragen und bitte um den Zugang zur Kosmischen Weisheit, um dort die Antworten zu finden. Ritual:Räucherwerk anzünden
Can: Bedeutung:Die Vier, Basis des Baus einer Pyramiede, unabdinglich für die absolute Stabilität, und zugleich die Definition der Grenzen der Strukturen
4 - Stabilität ~*~ Bitte um Universelle Weisheit - bringt heute Stabilität um Hindernisse zu überwinden. Trecena/Welle: IX 7te Tag des Galaktischen Kreis
OSTEN, Xolotl ~ Zwillingsbruder von Quetzalcoatl,Wächter der Unterwelt der die Sonne im Auf und Ab begleitet, Erde, Schutz, Erdbewegungen, Bewahrer des Gartens der Erde.
Tiefe synchrone Verbindungen zu den natürlichen Zyklen der Erde und Energien stellen diese Mächte der Entwicklung und Erinnerungen der alten Weisheiten zur Verfügung. CABAN-Menschen, helfen beim zerstreuen von schlechten Absichten, Gewohnheiten und Ideen. Das macht sie zu sehr guten Stadträte und Meister aller Künste. Gelehrte und intelligente CABAN--Menschen werden immer versuchen, einen Fluss an natürlicher Ordnung zu allen Aspekten des Lebens zu bringen. Mit den dynamischen Kräften der Natur verbunden, brauchen CABAN-Menschen viel Freiheit, sie schaffen sich deshalb Erleichterung mit langen Wanderung oder dem Senden von weit entfernten Kommunikationen wie die Wale, Elefanten, Vögel und viele andere Wesen. Manchmal sind die feinen Empfindlichkeiten der Erde so aufgebracht, dass sie mit ihren Gefühlen wie ein heftiges Erdbeben reagieren oder sogar auf einen vulkanischen Charakter hinzeigen.
EIN GUTER TAG FÜR: Sagen Sie zur Mutter Erde für alle Ihre Geschenke Danke! Für Studien wissenschaftlicher Lehren - um zu lernen - für ein gutes Gedächtnis
~Um den Verstand zu ernähren, um Klarheit zu erhalten, um Wissen und Erfahrung in Klugheit umzuwandeln
~Um zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen zu verstehen, damit Paare sich wieder verstehen
~Um schlechte Absichten, Ideen, schlechte Gewohnheiten zu beseitigen und zu ändern
Beschreibung der Glyphe: In der Mitte befindet sich der Enzepalo, der einen Teil des ZNS bildet. In dem Antlitz der Vollmondin erscheint die gezeichnete Glyphe.
No‘j wörtlich: Idee, Wissen, Weißheit
Symbol der Kreativität, Innovation, Fähigkeit, Verbindung zur Zukunftsvision.
Symbolisiert die Bewegung von Himmel und Erde. Es ist die Verbindung vom kosmischen universellen Geist mit dem Geist des Menschseins. Es ist das Mysterium von dem NAJT.
Die Personen haben gute Ideen, es ist wichtig sich wiederzuvereinen, mit dem Rat zu vereinen, von wissenschaftlichen Ideen und den großen Geist AHAU um Weisheit zu bitten.
Kraft von der Kommunikation im Alltag sowie das erhabene Hervorbringen der Kunst.
Astrologisch:Zeugung im Zeichen TOJ (MULUC) und ihre Zukunft ist KAN (CHICCHAN)
Tagesenergie: ist sehr gut um seinen Geist zu nähren, Zunahme des Gedächtnisses, bitte Signale des Körpers und harmonisiere die Beziehungen. Bitte um Klarheit. Tag um berühmte Ideen zu entwickeln, unkonventionell und einfallsreich für die alltäglichen Probleme und um zukunftsweisende Projekte zu planen.
Nawal: Koyote, Buntspecht
Regiert folgende Körperteile: Gehirn, alle Sinne, Zirbeldrüse
Aspekte die die persönliche Entwicklung fördern: Intelligenz, Weisheit und Unterscheidungskraft
Förderliche Gefühle und Seelenzustände: Meditation, Wahrnehmung, Erkentnis, Aufrichtigkeit, Reflektion
Charaktereigenschaften und Berufung: kluge und vernünftige Geschäftsleute, HeilerInnen, sehr gut in der Kunst, wenn sie 12 No‘j sind, große SchützerInnen der Gerechtigkeit. Ihr Geist verbindet sich mit der Musik und der Kunst. Edelmütig, IdealistInnen, RomantikerInnen, ihre bemerkenswerteste Charaktereigenschaft ist Dienst an die Anderen und die große Besorgnis die sie spüren für die Armen und Kinder. Sie sind geistige FührerInnen, RatgeberInnen in allen Aspekten des Lebens, KünstlerInnen, ÄrztInnen, Kreative, HumanistInnen, SpezialistInnen für Bitten um Weisheit bei der Lösung von Problemen und beim Lernen neuer Projekte im Leben von den Personen und Gemeinschaften.
Vier - KAJIB' / Stabilität - Ordnung
Die stabilsten von allen Formen ist der Würfel. Vier ist die Erschaffung von Volumen durch Definition. Die vier Richtungen geben jeglicher Form Orientierung, so wie Höhe, Länge, Tiefe und Breite jeder Form Gestalt verleihen. Die Energie Vier gibt die Richtlinien vor, nach denen die Freiheiten und Grenzen geschaffen werden, welche im Spiel, bei der Arbeit oder in Beziehungen benötigt werden, im Klang der Ordnung. Hier liegt das Bestreben alles in die Ordnung zu bringen, all das was in Unordnung ist wird berührt und in die Ordnung gebracht.