
Tone: 10 - Manifestation, Sun Sign: SEED (KAN)
(7th Day of Galactic cycle)

Tzolkin: 10 K'at Long Count:'at symbolizes the energy, force and heat that has existed in our hearts since our first ancestors and also that which was created from the first words, the invocations that caused the world to form with beauty. It is a day to honor our ancestors. K'at also symbolizes the problems that we cause ourselves which bring us to our destination, the process of learning and evolving.
The day of the founding of generic principle and wisdom. K'at is a day for solving problems, the making of companions, forming of groups and societies, calling for unity in the community.
Main Maya glyphs
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10 K’an
17 Muwan
Night Lord
Personality traits for those born on
Tone: 10 (Manifestation)
- Manifestation
- Substance
- Materialization
- Expression
- Ephemeral
- Beauty
- Potential Realised
What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of Ten. This is the energy when what has had attention and intension focused upon it, becomes real. A powerful energy that carries a great responsibility.
Tone Ten energy flows in and out at all times. It is the frequency through which we tune in to beauty of all kinds.
Tone Ten assists us in our awareness of beauty. In these times, the Ten frequency is constantly being manipulated, as the concept of beauty is defined for us everywhere we turn. Since this Tone is linked to manifestation there is great value in allowing your personal experience to go beyond limitations imposed by a conditioned world.
Kan - South
The Maya called this day
Kan (kahn), which suggests corn and ripeness. The highly stylized glyph for the day does not offer much of a clue, though young maize plants are shown growing from the Kan glyph in the codices.
The Kan glyph, often painted yellow, is also found in the codices near offerings of food, which suggests that corn, the most important food of the Maya, was simply a reference to that which sustains life.
Kan types are ready for life in the social world and are often interested in leadership and performance. They are active, dynamic, sexual and influential.
They hold themselves to high standards. Self-esteem is important to them, and they are often attracted to attention-getting activities. Persons born under Kan will often be found doing work that is creative or performance-orientated. It is a day-sign of leadership, or at least leadership where a personal performance is necessary. What is noteworthy is that these people thoroughly enjoy such situations, and they are generally very competent, and sometimes outstanding, at what they do.
They often have a reputation for being different or deviating from the status quo. They have a strong drive toward independence and freedom from entanglements.
Those born under the day-sign Kan are usually quite individualistic. They will compromise only under extreme pressure and they may harbor resentment if forced to comply. Kan types often attract attention by being different, but they may be too involved in their own interests to be seriously concerned about what other people think of them. This allows them to eventually become extremely individualized and highly specialized persons. These people generally lead creative and productive lives and maintain stable, though usually somewhat unconventional relationships with those of the opposite sex. Sexuality and relations with the opposite sex, however, can be a challenge for them as they sometimes struggle with self-esteem issues. Down deep, Kan people are very serious about the quality of their lives.
To become a balanced individual; to become comfortable with the world of attraction and courtship.
Engaging in activities in which performance is evaluated; sweating the details. Kan
Beneath the 1-Men surface personality is a person with powerful faculties of discrimination. Men people know the differences between things, know how to express such distinctions, and are often outstanding at articulating their emothions and expressing their feelings through creative or artistic projects. They are also somewhat psychic and find that their unconscious is their best friend, once they know how to listen to it.
G-6 (West)

Persons born under this Lord seem to be self-controlled, practical, traditional, and markedly entrepreneurial.
They often create a self-sufficient kind of lifestyle or career and may be self-employed.
They have a strong desire to build things and are very hard workers. Their work is rarely of a solitary nature; more often than not, they deal directly with the public, perhaps as a consultant or counselor.
They take responsibility for themselves and are very self-reliant, but this makes other people less important for them in the process of achieving happiness.
They are strongly motivated by fame and worldly success, and they hold themselves to high standards of performance. They are driven to success in the world because they strive to be accepted by others. Their drive for independence and approval is part of a quest for self worth. This inner insecurity is their dark side, and they need to ask why they drive themselves so hard.
They are sensitive to the rhythms and nuances of life and may develop a special interest in and respect for the feminine side of life. Overall, however, their intentions are good and others recognize this fact. Mars and Saturn are often prominent in their charts, along with the sign Leo.
Todays tzolkin is 10 Kan which is Manifestation of Seed.According to the gregorian calendar todays date is 2011-1-25.
According to the Mayan Calendar we are currently in the Galactic cycle, which is made up of 13 heavens. We are currently 84 days into the 13th heaven. There are 276 days left until the 14th heaven starts.
The Galactic Tun Date is 12.4.4. The Galactic Tun Date has the syntax (Galactuc Tun).(Uinal in that Tun).(Day in that Uinal) 0-12.0-17.0-19
If one tun is compared to a 24 hour clock we are currently 5 hours and 35 minutes into the 13th heaven.
4404 days has passed in the galactic cycle. If the whole galactic cycle is compared to a whole tzolkin round we are currently 12 out of possible 18 days into period number 245 out of possible 260, leading to the galactic daysign of 11 Chicchan.
We are currently in day number 4 of uinal number 5 in tun number 13 of the Galactic cycle.
We are also in day number 4 of uinal number 5 in tun number 20 of the 20th katun of the last baktun before the end of time.
We are also currently in day number 4 of uinal number 13 of tzolkin round number 17 of the galactic cycle.
We are also currently in day number 10 of trecena number 19 of tzolkin round number 17 of the galactic cycle.
If you divide the current tzolkinround into four worlds we are currently in world number 4 . If you divide the current tzolkinround into five worlds we are currently in world number 5.
The mythological theme dominating the current tzolkin world of the possible five worlds is Unity of opposites.
The tun is a day , the uinal is a day, the day in the current trecena is a night.
We are also currently in day number 244 of tzolkin round number 17 of the galactic cycle.
According to the tzolkien mayan calendar it is today 10 Kan. Since todays daysign is Kan, it is a good day to plant, make new contacts and re-connect with others.
The cosmic energies of consciousness is today Manifestation of Seed.
Since todays daysign is Kan, the energy of today is SEED - (KAN) or Lizard - Family, Sexual activity and the magic of germination are the characteristics of this sign. Natural net workers, Seed people strive to free themselves and others from debt or oppressive patterns of the past. Abundance is gathered by Seed as if with a cast net. Seed persons are public defenders who work towards uniting community by discovering hidden traps and secret influences of others. To generate true abundance Seed must learn to appreciate all gifts and lessons received and conduct profound investigations into its self. In the absence of gratefulness and the courage to face oneself. Seed finds itself in less and less fertile environments..
Since todays number is 10, the energy of today is TEN / Manifestation - What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy when what has had attention and intention focused upon it, becomes real. A powerful energy that carries a great responsibility..
Tomorrow the daysign is Chicchan. A good day to ask for flexibility and fluidity.
We are now in the 13th heaven of the cellular cycle. One heaven in the cellular cycle is called a hablatun and is 1.26 billion years and the whole cycle is 16.4 billion years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the mammalian cycle. One heaven in the mammallian cycle is called a alautun and is 63.1 million years and the whole cycle is 820 million years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the familiar cycle. One heaven in the familiar cycle is called a kinchiltun and is 3.15 million years and the whole cycle is 41 million years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the tribal cycle. One heaven in the tribal cycle is called a kalabtun and is 158000 years and the whole cycle is 2 million years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the cultural cycle. One heaven in the cultural cycle is called a piktun and is 7900 years and the whole cycle is 102000 years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the national cycle. One heaven in the national cycle is called a baktun and is 394,3 years and the whole cycle is 5116 years. We are now in the 13th heaven of the planetary cycle. One heaven in the planetary cycle is called a katun and is 19,7 years and the whole cycle is 256 years. We are now in the 13 heaven of the galactic cycle. One heaven in the galactic cycle is called a tun and is 360 days and the whole cycle is 4680 days. We have not yet entered the universal cycle. One heaven in the universal cycle is called a uinal and is 20 days long and the whole cycle is 234 or 260 days long.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 260 periods we are currently 12 out of possible 18 days into period number 245 out of possible 260.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 130 periods we are currently 12 out of possible 36 days into period number 123 out of possible 130.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 65 periods we are currently 12 out of possible 72 days into period number 62 out of possible 65.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 52 periods we are currently 84 out of possible 90 days into period number 49 out of possible 52.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 26 periods we are currently 84 out of possible 180 days into period number 25 out of possible 26.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 20 periods we are currently 192 out of possible 234 days into period number 19 out of possible 20.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 18 periods we are currently 244 out of possible 260 days into period number 17 out of possible 18.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 13 periods we are currently 84 out of possible 360 days into period number 13 out of possible 13.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 10 periods we are currently 192 out of possible 468 days into period number 10 out of possible 10.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 5 periods we are currently 894 out of possible 1170 days into period number 4 out of possible 5.
If the whole galactic cycle is divided into 2 periods we are currently 2064 out of possible 2340 days into period number 2 out of possible 2.
The current corresponding year in the tribal cycle is -118975.
The current corresponding year in the cultural cycle is -4038.
The current corresponding year in the national cycle is 1711.
The current corresponding year in the planetary cycle is 1995.
10-20 billion years ago the big bang occured and time and space was created. 820 million years ago living cells existed and consciousness had reached 10 % of the total consciousness evolution. 41 million years ago mammals existed and consciousness had reached 20 % of the total consciousness evolution. 2 million years ago apes existed and consciousness had reached 30 % of the total consciousness evolution. 102000 years ago homo erectus was using tools and fire and consciousness evolution had reached 40 percent of the total consciousness evolution.
At 3115 BC civilizations existed and we had reached 50 % of the total consciousness evolution. At 1755 we had reached 61 % of the total consciousness evolution. At 1999 we had reached 71 % of the total consciousness evolution. Today 80 percent of the total consciousness evolution has passed.
This is because of that evolution of consciousness is of a 20 base logarithmic nature. Resulting in a nonlinear evolution going very slowly at the beginning, 16 billion years ago, and now speeding up towards 2011
If we just look at the galactic and universal cycle (1999-2011) we have currently today experienced 33 percent of the galactic and universal consciousness evolution
The Galactic Tune date goes from 3.1.19 to 3.2.0 etc, so Ahau is counted in the new uinal even though the new uinal really starts with lmix. This is how I interpret Calleman's syntax to be. This page is really a Tzolkin calculator implemented using javascript. The script uses your local computer time so if you want to check the tzolkin date for some other date than current date, just change your computer clock and reload page. If you find any errors in this Tzolkin calculator you are welcome to contact me at matterik.com (Note that the universal cycle is not implemented).
www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~ www.xzone.com.au/maya ~
http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~
www.Calleman.com ~ www.maya-portal.net ~
http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~
http://www.sabiduriamaya.org/home/index.asp# ~