Tzolkin: 13 Kawoq Long Count: is the day of advocates, defenders, judges. Day of the heat of the rod of authority, women's day that warms the heart of your home with motherly love. Is the energy that brings rain to give us good crops. Kawoq is synonymous with versatility, music, paint and imagination. Day of the power of nature and of the elements.
The number 13 is the completion of life, of all movement and process. 13 has a special relationship with the development of paranormal abilities, for it is connected with the 13 major joints of the human body where the sacred
koyopa energy (the Mayan equivalent of kundalini) accumulates. 13 also relates to refinement and sensitivity, enhanced perception and acute intuition. This ability to access other dimensions of reality applies to all actions performed on a 13 day as well as to those who are born upon a 13.
Cauac (Kawoq) The Universal Community: The sign of the Divine Feminine, signifying wives, female healers, and especially midwives; thunder, lightning, cyclone; spiritual unrest and mental conflicts; spiritual contacts and communication; blood lightning/signs, signals and messages in the blood. This day is sometimes said to signify the celestial home of the gods. Upon this day, we pray that there may always be harmony in our home lives and among our friends. Like the previous day, it is auspicious for all matters regarding health and healing. It has a special connection with women and with feminine energy.

Tone: 13 - Ascension, Sun Sign: STORM (KAWOQ*CAUAC)
(1st Day of Universal cycle)



Personality traits for those born on
Tone: 13 (Ascension)
- Bridge
- Pure Creator Energy
- Ascension
- Spark of understanding
- Source connection
- Remembering
Going from one step to the next higher step. The energy of Thirteen propels the effort to try something new or to try again. Tone thirteen provides an energetic connection between what has been and what is to come. It is the bridge from the now into the next 'now'. Persons with the energy of Thirteen are always going over the next mountain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen frequency is Divine. It watches and loves and allows. The foundation for each of other twelve; sometimes referred to as cosmic glue. It has a gentle and subtle energetic signature and is worth every effort to invite into your life.
Cauac - West
The Mayan name for this day was
Cauac (cow-AHK), which means storm, thunder, and rain. The glyph appears to contain clouds and symbols that also appear on drawings of the celestial dragons, which bring rains and storms. The Guatemalan name for this day, Ayotl, means turtle. The day-sign is linked with rain as this animal, as well as the frog, are depicted as coming down with the rain.
Positively, Cauac is a youthful, restless, friendly, helpful, and compassionate day-sign. Such people are multifaceted and often accomplished in several areas. One of the most obvious characteristics of this friendly day-sign is their youthfulness. Cauac people often choose careers that involve them with children, or they may occasionally just act like children. Those born under this sign are often mentally active and talkative. They are good learners and often become teachers or counselors. A concern for the welfare of others, especially the public, is common in those born under Cauac. They have a strong intuition and can improvise when in a tight spot. Cauac types are more inclined to imitate than to innovate. They respect tradition and the forms created by those who came before them, whether in are, science, or business. Those born under Cauac generally have an interest in the deeper meanings of life. Many are drawn to the study or practice of religion, spirituality or philosophy. They are often found working in the medical or psychological fields. The cleansing and healing process has a special importance for those born under this day-sign. Many born under Cauac become doctors or healers of some sort. Their natural instincts to protect and nurture, combined with excellent intuition, technical aptitude, and a mind capable of grasping details, makes them well-suited for such work.
To develop the ability to teach and to heal.
To study under a master. Cauac
Beneath the 1-Manik surface personality is a person who struggles with issues of freedom versus security. Manik people display an urge to take off for parts unknown, but they also demonstrate a desire for the security of home and family. Because the struggle with this conflict leads people to discover unique solutions, they often become innovators or creators of a somewhat unconventional personal lifestyle. Frequently they have unusual interests of an investigative or searching nature.
G-7 (West)

Persons born under this lord are strongly motivated by relationships; they like to partner, and they enjoy working with the public. Many born on this day are excellent consultants, teachers, or healers. They like the finer things of life, or at least have more than a casual appreciation for quality, and they deeply enjoy music or art.
G-7 types want to be in control of their outer world because their inner world is not so controllable. Their level of sexual desire is very strong, and they often feel a need to repress such urges so as not to disturb their social life.
Some bury themselves in work in an attempt to deny these deeper urges. This repressive approach doesn't always work, and impulsive behaviors may result in social disturbances that can would them deeply.
Even thoughts may make a G-7 feel guilty. Sometimes these types will apply a kind of self-inflicted punishment in order to make amends. At their best, they will find ways to creatively explore their deeper urges through art or through various healing modalities. This process may lead them to become a healer of others. The common astrological signatures found in charts of those born on this day are a strong Venus/Libra emphasis and also the sign of Virgo.
www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_MKHqVsAlQ ~
http://microapp.westword.com/mayan2012/ ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.jaguarwisdom.org/blog/ ~ http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~
http://mayanmajix.com/faq_2011_lab.html ~ www.xzone.com.au/maya ~
http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~ www.Calleman.com ~
www.maya-portal.net ~ http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~
http://www.sabiduriamaya.org/home/index.asp# ~ http://www.4-ahau.com/en/Home.html ~
http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/mayan.html ~
http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/daily-tzolkin ~
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