Tzolkin: 11 No'j Long Count:'oj is wisdom, the name of our thoughts, the customs of behavior. Symbolizes the ambivalent moral strengths of the human mind. It is the energy that governs the mind, knowledge and good memory. It is synonymous with good creative talent. No'j is the day of decision and advice. N'oj consitutes those of the Four Pillars of the Years, the bearers of Time.

Tone: 11 - Resolution, Sun Sign: EARTH (N'OJ*CABAN)
(1st Day of Universal cycle)
The number 11 has great force, strength and power. This power is neither positive nor negative but neutral. Some Mayan teachers see it as representative of the totality of past, present and future, everything that unfolds over time. The number 11 holds tremendous creative potential, but it can be challenging to access that force.
Caban (No’j) The Vision of the Cosmos: Signifies ideas, wisdom, memory and patience. It is the
nawal of intelligence, a day dedicated to asking for wisdom, talent, and good thoughts. Upon this day, we may ask the universe to grant us creativity in all our endeavors, and the intelligence to find solutions to all our challenges. This day enlivens the intellect and enhances the eternal quest for wisdom. It is the
nawal of the earthquake and seismic disturbance. According to the Maya, this is one of the best days to consult a diviner and seek for spiritual guidance.



Personality traits for those born on
Tone: 11 (Resolution)
- Potential
- Change
- Link between Heaven and Earth
- Connection
- Resolution
- Improvement
Tone eleven connects. It is concerned with the space between motions. Change is necessary for new ideas to come to fruition. Eleven is dynamic, holding the space open where new creation will ultimately solidify. Every new creation has to find its space in the universe. In the process of fitting in, some modifications must occur. These changes are the energy of Eleven. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement. To those born with this energy, some persons are put off by too much change. Maybe you have noticed?
Caban - East
The Mayan name for this day,
Caban (ka-BANE) means Earth, and there are associations of this day with earthquakes. They Mayan glyph of this day includes are curving line that may represent a lock of hair of the young moon goddess, who is also the goddess of Earth. The Maya considered this day good for matchmaking, medicine, and commerce.
Caban types are mentally active, rationalizing, clever but practical. They tend to believe that the world is ultimately reducible to logic and that rational solutions are the only solutions. They can be brilliant engineers or strategists who pioneer new solutions to stubborn problems. For some, however, this capacity to rationalize everything they perceive leads to inaccurate judgments and poor choices. Caban types are usually liberal and progressive. Their intense thinking often leads to views that are based on abstraction or unrealized ideals. Many Caban personalities have great sense of humor. This may be due to the sharpness of their minds and their ability to make practical use of their insights into human nature. Strong convictions are found in those born under this day-sign. They are fiercely independent and stubborn persons who cant stand being told what to do, and they frequently pay the price for this trait in their close relationships. As leaders, they are usually the status quo. Caban types tend to seek out leadership positions or solo positions, possibly because they know how hard it is for them to follow the path of another.
To hold ones life together according to a reasonable plan.
To become more flexible, tolerant, and patient. Caban
Beneath the 1-Manik surface personality is a person who struggles with issues of freedom versus security. Manik people display an urge to take off for parts unknown, but they also demonstrate a desire for the security of home and family. Because the struggle with this conflict leads people to discover unique solutions, they often become innovators or creators of a somewhat unconventional personal lifestyle. Frequently they have unusual interests of an investigative or searching nature.
G-5 (North)

This Lord is positioned at the midpoint of the series of nine. A person under the influence of G-5 seeks to be at the center of a group and will sometimes use others to get there.
One of G-5's greatest challenges is to act from their centers and not to use or be used by others. People born under the influence of this lord become deeply involved in relationships but, for the most part, also struggle with them. They are sensitive people and they tend to be touchy about a number of things, including their own expectations. Because they seek perfection, they are sensitive to disappointments, and often need to develop more realistic expectations and avoid putting the burden of realitonship failures onto others.
Idealistic and compromising by nature, G-5 types are rarely content with the choices they have made. Their dark side includes a tendency to hold distorted opinions or to have over-inflated expectations of others.
At their worst, they can be blamers, blind to the reality that they are the cause of their own problems. Recognizing this pattern can be a tremendous step forward in a G-5's spiritual progress. These types need to be with others who are stable and helpful, and avoid those who could worsen their fears. They also need to be accepting of others. It is their own beliefs about relationships that both their problems and their solutions lie. A prominent moon, an emphasized seventh house, and Scorpio/Pluto are found in the charts of those born here.
www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_MKHqVsAlQ ~
http://microapp.westword.com/mayan2012/ ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.jaguarwisdom.org/blog/ ~ http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~
http://mayanmajix.com/faq_2011_lab.html ~ www.xzone.com.au/maya ~
http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~ www.Calleman.com ~
www.maya-portal.net ~ http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~
http://www.sabiduriamaya.org/home/index.asp# ~ http://www.4-ahau.com/en/Home.html ~
http://www.oursacreduniverse.co.za/mayan.html ~
http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/daily-tzolkin ~
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