Tone: 13 - Ascension, Sun Sign: SUN (AJPUU*AHAU)
(7th Day of Galactic cycle)
Tzolkin: 13 Ajpu Long Count: musicians, artists, observers, communicators and writers. Day created to provide a balance between good and evil, but following the teachings reveals that good always triumphs over evil. Good and evil have been left to journey over the blessed face of the Earth, measuring our deeds and attitudes. Know that we must always overcome evil with our good behaviours.
Main Maya glyphs
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13 Ajaw
13 Pax
Night Lord
G4 (
Personality traits for those born on
Tone: 13 (Ascension)
- Bridge
- Pure Creator Energy
- Ascension
- Spark of understanding
- Source connection
- Remembering
Going from one step to the next higher step. The energy of Thirteen propels the effort to try something new or to try again. Tone thirteen provides an energetic connection between what has been and what is to come. It is the bridge from the now into the next 'now'. Persons with the energy of Thirteen are always going over the next mountain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen frequency is Divine. It watches and loves and allows. The foundation for each of other twelve; sometimes referred to as cosmic glue. It has a gentle and subtle energetic signature and is worth every effort to invite into your life.
Ahau - South
The Mayan name for this day-sign was
Ahau (ah-HAW), which means lord or chief. They glyph for the day is sometimes a four petaled flower though it also appears as a face. To the Maya, the flower was a symbol of the lord or sun, and this was its day.
Ahau types are loving, devoted, artistic, dreamy and romantic. They can be loyal friends and lovers, but often suffer in relationships because of unrealistic expectations. They are extremely devoted to others, including friends and lovers, and are hurt badly when they are left for another. Ahau types have a beautiful vision of what life, and most importantly what life with another, can be. In some cases, an obsession with the future and with some kind of ultimate perfection generates illusions, fuels unrealistic expectations and brings about disappointments. In other cases, Ahau types will live a life dedicated to an ideal, and they will accomplish much, sometimes changing the world in the process. Art and beauty draw the interest of those born under this day-sign. Many become successful artists, writers, or craftspeople who produce decorative, aesthetically pleasing products. Ahau types are generally intelligent and hard-working, but they can also be stubborn and uncompromising. One major problem is their unwillingness to compromise their ideals. Ahau types are determined people who would rather not participate than have to accept a less-than-perfect situation. Ahau is a sign that needs to combine realism and idealism, and when this compromise is able to be made, their doors will open to a more perfect world.
To handle disappointments due to unrealistic expectations; to accept the world that is not up to their hopes and wishes; to tolerate unfairness in others.
To keep life simple and to appreciate the little things. Ahau
Beneath the 1-Lamat surface personality is a competitor and fighter. This aspect of character may not always be apparent to others until they get to know the Lamat person well. Lamats secretly love a confrontation and will take risks in life in order to create conflict. These people prefer a life of competitive challenges rather than one of routine, and they should try to meet those needs in non-destructive ways, such as through running a business.
G-4 (North)
Some people born under the influence of this Lord are teachers, some are healers, and some are over protective parents. Most seem to have a nervous disposition and a need to talk.
They are intense guardians of one thing or another; other people, children, pets. Youth of often a fixation for them; they are drawn to children and perhaps even work with them in some capacity.
Their nurturing instincts are quite strong, and they need to find healthy outlets to express this urge. Their darker side lies in understanding that their nurturing influence can become a detriment in many ways. The communication skills of G-4 types make them excellent teachers. They can be very creative with their thinking, a quality that lends itself to art and writing. On the darker side, they think or talk incessantly and often struggle with ways to turn off their minds. By working as a teacher or communicator, they may be able to turn this tendency into positive activity.
G-4 types have a tendency to scatter their energies and this inclination may lead to being a "jack of all trades but master of none." Mercury is usually strong in the charts of those who are born under this lord, as is an emphasized twelfth house.
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