Ο Πρώτος Πρεσβύτερος Δον Αλεχάντρο, μας μιλάει για το Dreamspell (= Ονειρικό Ξόρκι;)

Mayan Grand Elder Don Alejandro Speaks About the Dreamspell - Except (Greek Subtitles)

Τρίτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Sun Sign: MONKEY (B'AATZ*CHUEN) ~ Tone: 4 - Stability, Kin 251

Tzolkin: 4 B'atz'
Long Count:

Batz is the symbol of continuity with the past. It is a day of the perpetuation of the ceremonies and customs of our ancestors. This day is special for offerings, strength of the weavers, first nahual [king, lord] of the origin of the world. Batz symbolizes the older brother. Batz is time, spirituality, the creator of life and wisdom, the principle of intelligence.



Tone: 4 - Stability, Sun Sign: MONKEY (B'AATZ*CHUEN)
(7th Day of Galactic cycle)



Main Maya glyphs


4 Chuwen
4 Chuwen


4 Pax

Night Lord




Personality traits for those born on

Tone: 4 (Stability)

  • Healing
  • Understanding
  • Time for reflection
  • Stability
  • Comfort
  • Form
  • Healing energy is found in Tone four.
  • Calm energy.
  • Reflective energy
  • Balancing
  • Listen quietly before deciding what to do
  • Consider
  • Regroup
  • Allow
The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of four, sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship. The frequency of Four is capable of slowing things down enough to see the deeper meaning behind the issue

Chuen - West


The Mayan name for this day-sign, Chuen (chew-EN) translates as artisan or craftsman. Among the Quiche Maya, the name for this day is Batz, which is the term for monkey. The glyph for the sign are very stylized, though some appear to show the head of a monkey. Like the Aztecs, the Maya linked this sign with the arts and the crafts.


Chuen types are frequently attention getting, artistic, clever, and demonstrative. They are often found working, or at least interested, in the performing or communicative arts. They seek attention from others and are quick learners, interested in everything around them. Actors, artists, musicians, designers, and writers make up an unusually large percentage of people born on this day. They also make good teachers and salespersons. It is the cultivation and development of the personality that is the core issue for Chuen. Although they are socially active, they often struggle in close intimate relationships, needing the contact but wishing for more variety. They enjoy "playing the field", which is just another way of getting attention. This distance in relationships may be appealing to others, and it adds to the mystery of their character. Their sexual drives are strong and motivate them toward relationships, but commitment is their greatest challenge. Chuen is communicative and curious, like a monkey, and people born under this sign learn at a fast pace. Mentally they can handle details, but they excel at generalities. Leadership positions come naturally. By nature, they are not followers and therefore the choice is either independence or leadership. This need to be the center of attention may be a response to a deep social insecurity.


To stay with one thing long enough to become good at it; to actualize their creative potentials in ways that are not debilitating to themselves and that wont result in distancing them from close companions.


To apply creativity; to be artistic and to explore the secrets of nature. Chuen


Beneath the 1-Lamat surface personality is a competitor and fighter. This aspect of character may not always be apparent to others until they get to know the Lamat person well. Lamats secretly love a confrontation and will take risks in life in order to create conflict. These people prefer a life of competitive challenges rather than one of routine, and they should try to meet those needs in non-destructive ways, such as through running a business.

G-4 (North)

Some people born under the influence of this Lord are teachers, some are healers, and some are over protective parents. Most seem to have a nervous disposition and a need to talk.

They are intense guardians of one thing or another; other people, children, pets. Youth of often a fixation for them; they are drawn to children and perhaps even work with them in some capacity.

Their nurturing instincts are quite strong, and they need to find healthy outlets to express this urge. Their darker side lies in understanding that their nurturing influence can become a detriment in many ways. The communication skills of G-4 types make them excellent teachers. They can be very creative with their thinking, a quality that lends itself to art and writing. On the darker side, they think or talk incessantly and often struggle with ways to turn off their minds. By working as a teacher or communicator, they may be able to turn this tendency into positive activity.

G-4 types have a tendency to scatter their energies and this inclination may lead to being a "jack of all trades but master of none." Mercury is usually strong in the charts of those who are born under this lord, as is an emphasized twelfth house.


www.shiftoftheages.com ~ http://en.esoguru.com/Don_Alejandro ~
http://www.sacredroad.org/staticpages/index.php/20040312155339101 ~
http://www.mayacalendar.org/mayan-horoscope.php ~
http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html ~ www.xzone.com.au/maya ~
http://maya.calendariosagrado.org/beginner/?lang=en ~ www.Calleman.com ~
www.maya-portal.net ~ http://cholqij.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mayancalendar ~
www.mayancalendar2012.org ~ www.createspace.com/3373251 ~
http://www.sabiduriamaya.org/home/index.asp# ~

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